Wells Savannah is a unique wet pine savanna located in the Lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina. It consists of two utility rights-of-way and a fire-suppressed pond pine (Pinus serotina) woodland. The objectives of this study of Wells Savannah were to characterize its soils, inventory its vascular flora, and compare its soils and flora with those of reference sites. Soil drainage, texture, and redoximorphic features were described at all locations. Wetland indices were calculated to represent the degree to which the plant communities were adapted to wet substrates. We identified 209 species in 107 genera and 48 families at Wells Savannah. Eight community associations were recognized. Wetland indices for Wells Savannah were significantly lower than those for the reference savannas. The unique combination of fine textured, very wet soil and plant species composition present at Wells Savannah has not been identified in previous studies of savannas in the region.
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1 June 2005
Flora and Soils of Wells Savannah, an Example of a Unique Savanna Type
Susan Shelingoski,
Richard J. LeBlond,
Jon M. Stucky,
Thomas R. Wentworth
Vol. 70 • No. 2
June 2005
Vol. 70 • No. 2
June 2005